Data Protection
The General Data Protection Regular (GDPR)
You may have received multiple correspondences from companies on your email regarding “GDPR” leading up to the end of May 2018.
In short, this is an EU legislation designed to ensure that any organisation that holds personal information about you, meets with high standards of compliance to protect that information from any unlawful dissemination or misuse.
Data protection policies have been in place within the NHS for a long time and the way in which your care is delivered, and information protected will not be impacted. The new legislation does mean that all holders of personal information (such as a GP surgery) must publish information for you to understand this fully. Please thus feel free to peruse and download the following documents. If you wish to obtain copies of notes, results etc then a Subject Access Request form can be downloaded below and please do read the brief instruction on it.
Personal Information Protection Statement
How we use your information leaflet
Corporation Road Privacy Notice
Subject Access Request Application Form
Subject Access Requests-GDPR Information
Why does the NHS collect information about you?
Your Doctor and the team of health professionals caring for you keep records about your health and any treatment or care you receive from the NHS. This information will either be written down (manual records), or held on computer (electronic records). These records are then used to guide and manage the care you receive.
You may also be receiving care from organisations outside the NHS (like social services). If so we may need to share some information about you so that everyone involved ion your care can work together for your benefit. Whenever this is necessary, your information will be handled in the strictest of confidence and will be subject to the principles of confidentiality.
Please see the list of links above for further information. If you have any specific concerns or queries then please ask a member of staff or submit a query via the email address at the bottom right of this page whereby we will endeavour to respond to your query as quickly as possible.
Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) Requests
Our Practice is fully compliant with the Freedoms of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) regulations. Please click here for further information.
Please contact the Surgery if you have any particular questions but also please note as stated in the link above, any request for information under the FOIA must be made in writing.
Our Practice also strives to uphold the principles of the ICO Model Publication Scheme to ensure relevant information is available to all of our patients and service users. Whilst we try to publish all relevant information please enquire if you feel there is any missing useful information and see the Information Commissioners Office website for further information.